TICM 29 - Jayson Gaignard - How To Become An Influencer
/This week, we have the legendary Jayson Gaignard on the show.
Jayson is the creator of Mastermindtalks, one of the most exclusive entrepreneurial events in the space, with speakers and guests such as Guy Kawasaki, Tim Ferriss, Cameron Herold, James Altucher and many more prominent names actively impacting our world.
He is also an accomplished author, and the host of a highly rated podcast as well. In the episode, He walks us through his story about not giving up and betting everything on relationships.
Jayson shares with us his story of going from making 22 times the national average income to over a quarter million dollars in cash debt.
From there he went off to create his first mastermindtalks event which became the success it is today.
Jayson is honestly one of the most authentic human beings I have come across and it’s so great to have had the opportunity to interview him
Connect with Jayson
“If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room ”
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What you will learn
- How did Jayson know to bet on relationships?
- The difference between networking and building relationships
- How Jayson against all odds delivered his 1st Mastermind event
- The difference of doing a business for profit vs. doing a business for purpose
- and much more!
Important Links To Resources and People
- Mastermind Dinners
- Man Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl
- Total Recall - Arnold Schwarzenegger
- The Social Animal
- 25K Group - Joe Polish
- Strategic Coach - Dan Sullivan
- Seth Godin
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When was the last time you did something really hard? Perhaps it was taking a super advance course or running a marathon, or how about starting a business of any sort?
How did it feel for you?
Probably like he** going through it. But when you came out of the other side - you probably felt amazing.
You want to know why?
It's not because you enjoy doing the "hard thing"
It's because you found a way to push through.
Humans love moving on the next level.
Whether it's the next level of a video game, or the next level of life, the same principle follows.
What's next? Bring it on!
If we lose that side of ourselves, we lose the will to get better and thus start losing the ability to see a bigger vision beyond our current reality.
In this episode, I keep it real with you.
We get to the root cause of why there is a beauty in doing the hard things.